Susan Moses
I was the first student of Janos Starker to come to Yale and be nurtured by Mr. Parisot.
The historical Moses never reached the Promised Land. I Did - all because of our unique Aldo Parisot. Mr. Parisot changed the course of my life.When Janos Starker was in his 40’s,he was an extremely difficult man and teacher.
Mr. Parisot bestowed love, joy,enthusiasm and of course all things cellistic. I was transformed. I owe him everything.I have had a marvelous career - all because of Mr. Parisot
I am writing this from my studio at Indiana University - MA155. It was Mr. Starker’s studio for over 50 years. It is decorated with two of Mr. Parisot’s paintings and is a
place of joy.
We never can celebrate him enough.
Susan Moses, CoDirector
Jacobs School of Music String Academy
Adj. Cello Professor